ArmPro Source Code

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Build the required environment: PHP8.0 version, database version 8.0

Pagoda first firewall first opens ports 8000 and 10000-10020

yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk* -y
Install the Java environment

1. Configure the keygen file and open the arm. In the zip/res directory, the mt manager searches for 64yun. cn modify all of them to your own domain name or server IP

2. Then establish a database Database account arm
Database user name arm
Database password EsZfXY4tD3h2NNA4

3. Import database

4. Configure Redis, search for Redis in the Pagoda app store
bind bind IP Port
5555 binding port
requirepass armadillo666 redis password, leaving blank means no password is set
Others are the default

5. Then download all the resource files to the server arm. After the zip is modified (the first step), upload it to the www directory

Will be basic. zip upload to www directory

Then upload the jar package to the root directory

6. jar package mount command: nohup java-jar ArmPro-1.0-SNAPSHOT. jar -sp 10000 -ep 10020 -io 125 -s 15000 -x 16000 >> run. log 2>&1 &

7. The arm source code has no background function, so you can explore it yourself. You can modify the configuration text or something in the text content file such as arm/config.

8. So where does the APP come from? You can download Arm Max, MT Manager to extract the installation package in resources. ARSC search arm. 64yun. Just modify cn to your domain name or IP
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