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Mar 28, 2022
Liverpool, UK
is now available!

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Don't miss out on experiencing the new and improved Cockpit v2.0.
Upgrade now and see the difference!

We specialize in empowering users to remotely administer their streaming applications with our unique software. Developed independently from official channels, our homebrew solution offers versatile functionality to meet the diverse needs of our users. Cockpit provides the tools and API you need for seamless control and optimization.

Control all your rebranded applications from one Panel!

IPTV Modules Available:

IBO Solutions
Neutro Player
Purple Player
Smarters Pro
Sparkle TV

VOD Modules Available:
Flix Vision

VPN Modules Available:
Private Internet Access

Included with every Cockpit Panel:
Multi-service Proxy Module
Custom WebViews (Sports, TMDB, etc)

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Mar 28, 2022
Liverpool, UK
Updates Since Release:

19th May 2024   ,Footer now ediable from Super Admin   ,Add+ ,Footer now editable from Admin to allow for customisation of the footer.                                                         ,Cockpit             ,
19th May 2024   ,Fixed bug in Licence System           ,Fix~ ,Fixed a bug where the licence system would not register on first attempt.                                                        ,Cockpit             ,
19th May 2024   ,Updated Store                         ,Add+ ,Updated the Store to allow for personal storefronts and ability to add remote storefronts from different developers and modders. ,Cockpit             ,
19th May 2024   ,Added support for RTX Flix Vision     ,Fix~ ,Added support for RTX Mods version of Flix Vision                                                                                ,Flix Vision         ,
19th May 2024   ,Added support for RTX CinemaHD        ,Fix~ ,Added support for RTX Mods version of CinemaHD                                                                                   ,CinemaHD            ,
19th May 2024   ,Fixed bug in Storefronts              ,Fix~ ,Fixed a bug where the storefronts would not be editable panel                                                                    ,Cockpit             ,
27th May 2024   ,Updated XCIPTV                        ,Fix~ ,Updated XCIPTV to fix issues with API and settings saving                                                                        ,XCIPTV              ,
27th May 2024   ,Updated IPVanish                      ,Fix~ ,Updated IPVanish to fix issues with User and Pass from panel                                                                     ,IPVanish            ,
27th May 2024   ,Updated PIA                           ,Fix~ ,Updated PIA to fix issues with User and Pass from panel                                                                          ,PIA                 ,
27th May 2024   ,Updated Stremio                       ,Fix~ ,Updated Stremio to fix issues with User and Pass from panel                                                                      ,Stremio             ,
27th May 2024   ,Updated TiviMate                      ,Fix~ ,Updated TiviMate to fix issues with API and settings saving                                                                      ,TiviMate            ,
28th May 2024   ,Fixed Admin Account                   ,Fix~ ,Fixed issues arround Admin account not saving or information persisiting                                                         ,Cockpit             ,
28th May 2024   ,Fixed Notifications                   ,Fix~ ,Fixed issues arround Notifications not working as expected                                                                       ,Cockpit             ,
28th May 2024   ,Fixed Miscellaneous Store             ,Fix~ ,Fixed issues arround Miscellaneous Store not working as expected                                                                 ,Cockpit             ,
29th May 2024   ,Added Suppor for Drewey XCIPTV        ,Add~ ,Added support for Drewey XCIPTV 7.0-910 WebView mod                                                                              ,XCIPTV              ,
30th May 2024   ,Added Support for RTX Smarters        ,Add~ ,Added support for RTX Mods version of Smarters Pro v1.9                                                                          ,Smarters Pro        ,
30th May 2024   ,Fixed Messages in XCIPTV              ,Fix~ ,Fixed a bug in XCIPTV where messages would not show up in the application                                                        ,XCIPTV              ,


Mar 28, 2022
Liverpool, UK
Updates since last:

2nd June 2024   ,Fixed various issues with AAPanel Hosting    ,Fix~ ,Fixed various issues with AAPanel Hosting in various panels                                                                      ,Cockpit             ,
2nd June 2024   ,Fixed Stremio API                            ,Fix~ ,Fixed various issues with Stremio API preventing app from working as expected                                                    ,Stremio             ,
3rd June 2024   ,Fixed CinemaHD API                           ,Fix~ ,Fixed issue with CinemaHD Autologin not working as expected with user/pass accounts                                              ,CinemaHD            ,
6th June 2024   ,Added Support for Various IPTV Smarters      ,Add~ ,Added support for Various IPTV Smarters Pro (v4.0) mods                                                                          ,Smarters Pro        ,
7th June 2024   ,Fixed VU Player Pro API (IBO Sol.)           ,Fix~ ,Fixed issue with VU Player Pro API not working as expected and now always hides DNS                                              ,IBO Solutions       ,
8th June 2024   ,Fixed IBO Sol Playlists                      ,Fix~ ,Always hide playlist url in IBO Sol. apps and reverted panel_api to player_api for service compatability.                        ,IBO Solutions       ,
8th June 2024   ,Updated XCIPTV Panel                         ,Add~ ,Other Settings now configurable in XCIPTV Panel and VPN Credentials no longer forced required                                    ,XCIPTV              ,
11th June 2024  ,Added FTSOL TMDB Banner WebView              ,Add~ ,Added FTSOL TMDB Banner WebView to the list of Custom WebViews                                                                   ,Android Webviews    ,
11th June 2024  ,Updated XCIPTV WebViews                      ,Add~ ,Updated XCIPTV WebViews to include new WebViews to include FTSOL TMDB Banners                                                    ,XCIPTV              ,
11th June 2024  ,Updated Sparkle TV WebViews                  ,Add~ ,Updated Sparkle TV WebViews to include new WebViews to include FTSOL TMDB Banners                                                ,Sparkle TV          ,
11th June 2024  ,Updated Stremio                              ,Add~ ,Added mechanism to prevent users from having to clear cache to update Addons                                                     ,Stremio             ,
11th June 2024  ,Fixed TiviMate Services                      ,Fix~ ,Fixed TiviMate Services table not showing 'code' for 399 API as expected                                                         ,TiviMate            ,
12th June 2024  ,Added Sports to TiviMate 399 API             ,Add~ ,Added Sports to TiviMate 399 API for use with TiviMate 399 API                                                                   ,TiviMate            ,
13th June 2024  ,Support Old Endpoints                        ,Add~ ,Added support for Cockpit v1.0a endpoints for XCIPTV (/ottrun) and Smarters Pro (/whmcssmarters).                                ,Cockpit             ,
16th June 2024  ,Fixed issue with Smarters Pro Feedback       ,Fix~ ,Fixed a typo in the loading of Feeback sent from Smarters Pro Apps.                                                              ,Smarters Pro        ,
19th June 2024  ,Added Purple Player Panel                    ,Add~ ,Added Purple Player Panel to the list of panel modules with support for older versions.                                          ,Purple Player       ,
21st June 2024  ,Fixed HDO Box API                            ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue with HDO Box api not working as expected.                                                                         ,HDO Box             ,
22nd June 2024  ,Fixed issue with saving Purple Player images ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue where by uploading images would redirect to the wrong file.                                                       ,Purple Player       ,
22nd June 2024  ,Added optional WebViews for Smarters Pro     ,Add~ ,Can now choose the sports WebViews to use with Smarters Pro                                                                      ,Smarters Pro        ,
23rd June 2024  ,Added option to disable Storefronts          ,Add~ ,Added option to disable Storefronts in the superadmin settings.                                                                  ,Cockpit             ,
23rd June 2024  ,Added ability to customize branding          ,Add~ ,Added ability to customize branding in /includes/branding.php                                                                    ,Cockpit             ,
23rd June 2024  ,Updated TiviMate 399 (3501) API              ,Fix~ ,Updated TiviMate 399 (3501) API to fix issues with not connecting to application.                                                ,TiviMate            ,


Mar 28, 2022
Liverpool, UK
Updated since last:

24th June 2024  ,Fixed Layout 4 (OTR Layout)                       ,Fix~ ,Fixed selecting Layout 4 (OTR Layout) in the XCIPTV Panel                                                                        ,XCIPTV              ,
25th June 2024  ,Fixed Remote Update & Redirect                    ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue preventing the Remote Update & Redirect settings for Smarters Pro from saving as expected                         ,Smarters Pro        ,
25th June 2024  ,Fixed typo in Purple Panel                        ,Fix~ ,Fixed typo in Purple Panel which prevented images from being saved correctly.                                                    ,Purple Player       ,
25th June 2024  ,Fixed DB schema for XCIPTV OVPNs                  ,Fix~ ,Fixed DB Schema for XCTIPV OVPNs to fix issues with entries being added being overwritten                                        ,XCIPTV              ,
25th June 2024  ,Prevented Cockpit Storefront re-adding            ,Fix~ ,Prevented Cockpit Storefront from re-adding itself to the database after deleting.                                               ,Cockpit             ,
25th June 2024  ,Tickets now only visible to Superadmin            ,Fix~ ,Prevented users from seeing tickets in the Cockpit settings menu.                                                                ,Cockpit             ,
25th June 2024  ,Added ability to customize branding               ,Add~ ,Added ability to customize branding in super admin panel                                                                         ,Cockpit             ,
26th June 2024  ,Added Support for StreamBox Mobile Pro            ,Add~ ,Added support for StreamBox Mobile Pro and updated API for StreamBox                                                             ,StreamBox           ,
27th June 2024  ,Fixed issue with deleting Smarters Pro OVPN       ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue where users couldnt delete OVPNs from the Smarters Pro OVPN page.                                                 ,Smarters Pro        ,
28th June 2024  ,Fixed issue with TiviMate Sports                  ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue where the TiviMate Sports page would not load as expected.                                                        ,TiviMate            ,
26th June 2024  ,Added Support for StreamBox v8-API                ,Add~ ,Added support for StreamBox v8 API (app v2.0.0+)                                                                                 ,StreamBox           ,
1st July 2024   ,Fixed issue with Smarters Pro API                 ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue with Smarters Pro Sports API                                                                                      ,Smarters Pro        ,
1st July 2024   ,Fixed issue with NexTv IPTV APi                   ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue with NexTv IPTV API                                                                                               ,NexTv IPTV          ,
2nd July 2024   ,Added support for AndyHax IBO Player Pro mod      ,Fix~ ,Added support for AndyHaxs IBO Player Pro 3.8 mod                                                                                ,IBO Solutions       ,
3rd July 2024   ,Added support for more Smarters Pro Mods          ,Add~ ,Added support for more WHMCS Smarters Pro v4 Modded apps                                                                         ,Smarters Pro        ,
4th July 2024   ,Fixed issue with Smarters Pro remote images API   ,Fix~ ,Credit to @FTSOL for fix with Smarters Pro remote logo and background                                                            ,Smarters Pro        ,
6th July 2024   ,Added Manual Module Update Checking               ,Add~ ,Superadmin can now manually check for updates for modules via the Superadmin page                                                ,Cockpit             ,
6th July 2024   ,Added Automatic Module Updating                   ,Add~ ,Modules will now check for updates every 24 hours and update automatically                                                       ,Cockpit             ,
6th July 2024   ,Added support for Smarters Pro 1.9.2 Mod          ,Add~ ,Added support for RTX Mods Smarters Pro 1.9.2                                                                                    ,Smarters Pro        ,
6th July 2024   ,Reworked support for WebViews                     ,Fix~ ,Reworked support for WebViews in Smarters Pro allowing selection of alternating backgrounds and images                           ,Smarters Pro        ,
6th July 2024   ,Fixed IBO Sol. Register page for clients          ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue with the register page for clients to add their playlists in IBO Sol. module                                      ,IBO Solutions       ,
11th July 2024  ,Added support for AndyHad IBO Player Pro 3.9      ,Add~ ,Added some extra bits to support the extras added to AndyHaxs IBO Player Pro 3.9 mod.                                            ,IBO Solutions       ,
13th July 2024  ,Fixed Notifications on Panel                      ,Fix~ ,Fixed the ability to enable/disable notifications for users and admins can change the API Endpoint for notifications.            ,Cockpit             ,
14th July 2024  ,Changed Purple Player Layout Select               ,Fix~ ,Layout select now only shows what Layouts are set in settings in Theme Change Layout.                                            ,Purple Player       ,
14th July 2024  ,Added AndyHax Layout6 WebView                     ,Add~ ,Added support for AndyHaxs Layout6 WebView for IBO Player Pro 3.9                                                                ,IBO Solutions       ,
15th July 2024  ,Fixed Parental Pin for AH Mods                    ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue with the query for setting Parental Pin with the AndyHax Mods of IBO Player Pro                                   ,IBO Solutions       ,
16th July 2024  ,Added spinner to WebViews                         ,Add~ ,Added a loading spinner to the WebView pages to show the WebView is loading                                                      ,Android Webviews    ,
17th July 2024  ,Added more security features to panel             ,Add~ ,Added an extra layer of security to the panel                                                                                    ,Cockpit             ,
18th July 2024  ,Fixed an issue with API Help                      ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue always showing http protocol in API Help URLs                                                                     ,Cockpit             ,
19th July 2024  ,Added ability to remove Modules from panel        ,Add~ ,Added a feature to remove modules from a panel via the Super Admin panel                                                         ,Cockpit             ,
19th July 2024  ,Increased the idle timer to 3hrs                  ,Fix~ ,Increased the idle timer to 3 hours instead of 15 minutes before logging out                                                     ,Cockpit             ,
20th July 2024  ,Reworked Stremio Addons                           ,Fix~ ,Reworked Strsemio Addons updating on login to work faster                                                                        ,Stremio             ,
23rd July 2024  ,Updated Imgur Image Uploading API                 ,Fix~ ,Fixed Imgur Image Uploading for Smarters Pro/Webviews/Purple Player and StreamBox and added Visual Feedback when uploading.      ,Cockpit             ,
21st July 2024  ,Fixed an issue with OVPNs                         ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue with the function for Country Codes in OVPN Tables                                                                ,Cockpit             ,
24th July 2024  ,Fixed issue with Deleting OVPNs                   ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue preventing OVPNs from being deleted in Smarters Pro Panel                                                         ,Smarters Pro        ,
26th July 2024  ,Fixed an issue with Purple Player                 ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue with Purple Player panel causing panel to lock up when editing VPNs                                               ,Purple Player       ,
28th July 2024  ,Fixed an issue with Removing services in IBO Sol. ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue with IBO Solultions panel when removing a service would leave users with null values instead of removing them     ,IBO Solutions       ,
  • Like
Reactions: Archangel


Mar 28, 2022
Liverpool, UK
1-Stream Player Module Added.
9Xtream Module Added.
Post automatically merged:

Legazy Systems Module Added.

APKTime Module Added.

SmartTube Module Added.

AppLinked Module Added.
LTQ2 Module Added.
Last edited:
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Reactions: ade2910 and XELFENX


Mar 28, 2022
Liverpool, UK
Updates since last:

2nd August 2024    ,Added 1-Stream Player Panel                         ,Add~ ,Added support for the RTX Mods version of the 1-Stream Player applicaiton                                                        ,1-Stream Player     ,
2nd August 2024    ,Added 9Xtream Panel                                 ,Add~ ,Added support for the RTX Mods version of the 9Xtream application                                                                ,9Xtream             ,
4th August 2024    ,Added MYTVOnline Panel                              ,Add~ ,Added support for clone mod version of the MYTVOnline application                                                                ,MYTVOnline          ,
5th August 2024    ,Added Legazy Systems Panel                          ,Add~ ,Added support for LEGAZY SYSTEMS IPTV applications                                                                               ,Legazy Systems      ,
9th August 2024    ,Fixed an issue with IBO Solutions API               ,Fix~ ,Fixed a bug introduced which prevented the IBO Solutions API from working as expected.                                           ,IBO Solutions       ,
9th August 2024    ,Fixed seperation of AH3.8/3.9 themes                ,Fix~ ,Fixed the seperation of theme selecting for AndyHax 3.8 and 3.9 apps in IBO Solutions panel                                      ,IBO Solutions       ,
9th August 2024    ,Fixed the uploading of Modules via panel            ,Fix~ ,Fixed issues with uploading modules via the panel which prevented files from being unzipped properly.                            ,Cockpit             ,
9th August 2024    ,Licence is now passed in Module Updates             ,Add~ ,Made it so existing licences are passed onto updates to users dont have to re enter their licences on updates.                   ,Cockpit             ,
9th August 2024    ,Fixed an issue with Module updating                 ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue which sometimes left empty .zip archives in the file directory when an update didnt work or was cancelled.        ,Cockpit             ,
9th August 2024    ,Fixed an issue with ads.php                         ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue with official Smarters json responses for ads                                                                     ,Smarters Pro        ,
9th August 2024    ,Fixed an issue with Smarters proxy                  ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue which prevented some services from being unable to use the proxy api in Smarters Pro                              ,Smarters Pro        ,
9th August 2024    ,Fixed an issue with Multi-service Proxy             ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue which prevented some services from being unable to use the proxy api in Multi-service Proxy                       ,Multi-service Proxy ,
9th August 2024    ,Fixed an issue with TiviMate Proxy                  ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue which prevented some services from being unable to use the proxy api in TiviMate                                  ,TiviMate            ,
11th August 2024   ,Swapped CORS Proxy for Multi-service Proxy          ,Fix~ ,Swapped the CORS Proxy for the Multi-service Proxy to allow for testing of insecure services.                                    ,Multi-service Proxy ,
12th August 2024   ,Added APKTime Panel                                 ,Add~ ,Added support for APKTime store appstore panel                                                                                   ,APKTime             ,
13th August 2024   ,Updated API for IPTV Smarters Pro v4                ,Add~ ,Added support for newer v4 mods of IPTV Smarters Pro                                                                             ,Smarters Pro        ,
13th August 2024   ,Added SmartTube Panel                               ,Add~ ,Added support for the RTX Mods version of the SmartTube application                                                              ,SmartTube           ,
15th August 2024   ,Fixed editing apps in APKTime Panel                 ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue which prevented users from editing apps in the APKTime Panel                                                      ,APKTime             ,
16th August 2024   ,Added AppLinked Panel                               ,Add~ ,Added support for the AppLinked store application panel                                                                          ,AppLinked           ,
18th August 2024   ,Added LTQ2 Panel                                    ,Add~ ,Added support for LTQ2 application panel                                                                                         ,LTQ2                ,
18th August 2024   ,Fixed adding TMDB Keys to CinemaHD                  ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue with adding TMDB Keys to CinemaHD panel                                                                           ,CinemaHD            ,
18th August 2024   ,Fixed issued with TiviMate Proxy                    ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue with the TiviMate Proxy API from working as expected with some services.                                          ,TiviMate            ,
20th August 2024   ,Added welcomestatus to api for Smarters Pro         ,Add~ ,Added support for Welcome Status API in some new Smarters Pro v4 APIs                                                            ,Smarters Pro        ,
20th August 2024   ,Fixed an issue with get_lastupdate for Smarters Pro ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue with get_lastupdate API which prevented message/image Ads from showing properly in app.                           ,Smarters Pro        ,
20th August 2024   ,Fixed an issue with Maintenance Mode                ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue preventing Maintenance message from saving properly in panel.                                                     ,Smarters Pro        ,
20th August 2024   ,Fixed ?/Android endpoint for Smarters Pro           ,Fix~ ,Fixed htaccess for the standard /?/Android endpoint to work as expected.                                                         ,Smarters Pro        ,
20th August 2024   ,Added suppliment graphql endpoint                   ,Add~ ,Added graphql.php endpoint for some Smarters Pro apps which use AWS GraphQL                                                      ,Smarters Pro        ,
21st August 2024   ,Added better rules to htaccess for Smarters Pro     ,Add~ ,Added better handling of different endpoints for different types of official and modded apps to add further support.             ,Smarters Pro        ,
21st August 2024   ,Added extra API for VPNs in Smarters Pro            ,Add~ ,Added the updated VPNs API for the newer Smarters Pro v4 apps.                                                                   ,Smarters Pro        ,
21st August 2024   ,Fixed Intro Video uploading                         ,Fix~ ,Prevented caching of old Intro video to show the latest uploaded video asoon as uploaded.                                        ,Smarters Pro        ,
21st August 2024   ,Fixed issue with Sparkle WebViews                   ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue preventing RTX Mods of Sparkle working as indented with WebViews.                                                 ,Sparkle TV          ,
25th August 2024   ,Fixed issue with Sparkle WebViews                   ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue preventing RTX Mods of Sparkle working as indented with WebViews. (Fixed this time.)                              ,Sparkle TV          ,
25th August 2024   ,Fixed issue with sport Webview in panel             ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue preventing the sport WebView selector from being viewable in the panel.                                           ,Sparkle TV          ,
25th August 2024   ,Added support for AH Mods                           ,Add~ ,Added Support for some AndyHax Mods API for NextTV IPTV                                                                          ,NextTV IPTV         ,
26th August 2024   ,Fixed an issue with StreamBox API                   ,Fix~ ,Fixed an issue preventing StreamBox API from working as expected.                                                                ,StreamBox           ,
2nd September 2024 ,Fixed htaccess in Smarters Pro                      ,Fix~ ,Fixed issues relating to the htaccess file in Smarters Pro panel.                                                                ,Smarters Pro        ,
2nd September 2024 ,Added support for RTX 2.9.2r Mod                    ,Add~ ,Added support for the RTX Mods version of Flix Vision 2.9.2r                                                                     ,Flix Vision         ,
3rd September 2024 ,Fixed htaccess in IBO SOl.                          ,Fix~ ,Fixed issues relating to the htaccess file in IBO Solutions panel.                                                               ,IBO Solutions       ,
3rd September 2024 ,Added support for AH VU Player 1.7 Mod              ,Add~ ,Added support for AndyHaxs VU Player 1.7 mod.                                                                                    ,IBO Solutions       ,
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Reactions: ade2910 and hamza31
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