Elite STB panel+ apk + instructions

Resource Elite STB panel+ apk + instructions 1.0

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Aug 31, 2022
I have downloaded there is no instructions in the rar folder but when trying to login to the panel admin admin doesn't work then if I load the user data page to change login details it won't let me change and has this error at the top can anyone help with this

/home/sites/29b/1/1f03c33f21/public_html/Elite/user_update.php on line 0

: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/sites/29b/1/1f03c33f21/public_html/Elite/user_update.php:0) in /home/sites/29b/1/1f03c33f21/public_html/Elite/user_update.php on line 0

: Undefined index: auth in /home/sites/29b/1/1f03c33f21/public_html/Elite/includes/header.php on line 0

: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/sites/29b/1/1f03c33f21/public_html/Elite/user_update.php:0) in /home/sites/29b/1/1f03c33f21/public_html/Elite/includes/header.php on line 0
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