Question MT Manager

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Jun 30, 2022
Hey guys,

I'd like to learn how to use MT manager.
In a very simple capacity though...
I can use APK Editor but not MT manager.
There's an appstore file hosted here that seems to require MT manager for the edits to hook it to my panel, and I can't figure it out.
I've tried looking online but can't seem to find a simple work through to do what we usually do when we edit in smali, which is all I want to learn.
That and recompile it I guess.
Any direction would be really appreciated...
I would even be willing to pay for someone's time.
Maybe watch a video of it being done with a file or something.
Not sure of this is allowed...
If it's not, please delete this and chalk it up to "the new guy".



Staff member
Mar 11, 2022
Hey guys,

I'd like to learn how to use MT manager.
In a very simple capacity though...
I can use APK Editor but not MT manager.
There's an appstore file hosted here that seems to require MT manager for the edits to hook it to my panel, and I can't figure it out.
I've tried looking online but can't seem to find a simple work through to do what we usually do when we edit in smali, which is all I want to learn.
That and recompile it I guess.
Any direction would be really appreciated...
I would even be willing to pay for someone's time.
Maybe watch a video of it being done with a file or something.
Not sure of this is allowed...
If it's not, please delete this and chalk it up to "the new guy".

classes dex then select dex editor plus, next you want to select all and click "ok". now you can click search and enter whatever you are trying to search for....this is for smali edits. values, strings, colors ect will be located in resources.arsc and just follow same steps but for resources
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Jun 30, 2022
He guys,
Looks like the Appstore files I wanted to use no longer work.
Can you guys suggest a ln appstore that's working?
Just because I'm new and spent a ton of time trying to get one to work.
It's no big deal because it gave me a bunch of practice, but I really need to get one up.



Staff member
Mar 11, 2022
He guys,
Looks like the Appstore files I wanted to use no longer work.
Can you guys suggest a ln appstore that's working?
Just because I'm new and spent a ton of time trying to get one to work.
It's no big deal because it gave me a bunch of practice, but I really need to get one up.

Which files where you using?


Mar 28, 2022
Liverpool, UK
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