Update 41

Channels MatchTime Unblock CDN Offshore Server Contact
100 cnx / 90 5Gbps / 180 48CPU-256GRAM 10Gbps 569 Skype live:giefsl
500 cnx / 350 10Gbps / 350 48CPU-128GRAM 5Gbps / 349 TG @changcdn
1000 cnx / 500 20Gbps / 700 40CPU-128GRAM 20Gbps / 980 http://coronaserver.com
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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2022
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For those who have versions before 10 have to send this command in putty.
After sending the command, make full remake to the main

if you have problems with updates go in the Main /etc/sudoers and modify

xtreamcodes ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/iptables

to look like this:

xtreamcodes ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/iptables, /usr/bin/chattr

go to /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/adtools/balancer if you have any .json in that folder delect

when doing Full Remake on Main or Balance wait whenever the operation is finished to do it again (all done calm ... Rome is not built in a day)

password cannot contain odd characters like ? or # etc etc

After Update insert password and port on manager servers in Main and LB for the functions to work

clear Browser cache


apt-get install unzip e2fsprogs python-paramiko -y && chattr -i /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/GeoLite2.mmdb && rm -rf /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/admin && rm -rf /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/pytools && wget "http://xcodes.mine.nu/XCodes/update.zip" -O /tmp/update.zip -o /dev/null && unzip /tmp/update.zip -d /tmp/update/ && cp -rf /tmp/update/XtreamUI-master/* /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/ && rm -rf /tmp/update/XtreamUI-master && rm /tmp/update.zip && rm -rf /tmp/update && chown -R xtreamcodes:xtreamcodes /home/xtreamcodes/ && chmod +x /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/permissions.sh && /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/permissions.sh && find /home/xtreamcodes/ -type d -not \( -name .update -prune \) -exec chmod -R 777 {} + && /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/start_services.sh && chattr +i /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/GeoLite2.mmdb

clean installation CK MODS (install.py) with Mysql:

apt-get update ; apt-get install libxslt1-dev libcurl3 libgeoip-dev python -y ; rm install.py ; rm install_XCUI.py?dl=1 ; wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/rwp1wmv8kklx1yq/install_XCUI.py?dl=1 ; cp install_XCUI.py?dl=1 install.py ; sudo python install.py
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