Question What is your fav app for iptv

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Jun 6, 2022
Hello good eveningeveryone hope everyone is doing great.. Ever since i found this website i have been seeing so many more different aps for iptv, from the begining i was only aware of smarter and xcitpv (newbie).. But as i look through i see other stuff like this purple and some other names i can't remember of top of the head, as i see new names i be like "WTF is this for and WTF is that" no offense to anyone..
But my question is what i want to ask what would be your fav app to use for iptv. For me personally i lean more to the xciptv just for the simple reason that i like the lay out and it seems more easier to navigate than smarters

Mar 12, 2022
Hello good eveningeveryone hope everyone is doing great.. Ever since i found this website i have been seeing so many more different aps for iptv, from the begining i was only aware of smarter and xcitpv (newbie).. But as i look through i see other stuff like this purple and some other names i can't remember of top of the head, as i see new names i be like "WTF is this for and WTF is that" no offense to anyone..
But my question is what i want to ask what would be your fav app to use for iptv. For me personally i lean more to the xciptv just for the simple reason that i like the lay out and it seems more easier to navigate than smarters
iMPlayer 2.8
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