Question App ios nulled

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May 1, 2022
Good evening, I would like to know if anyone has an app for iOS where I can put my DNS but it remains hidden, thank you in advance and I apologize if this is not the right place to create this post


Apr 11, 2022
Good evening, I would like to know if anyone has an app for iOS where I can put my DNS but it remains hidden, thank you in advance and I apologize if this is not the right place to create this post
Ibo for iOS as well as Purple for iOS

I personally like Ibo better, however, cost is $5.99 per device (lifetime) but worth the small fee.

Purple, you can purchase from them and use their panel which users will then download purple playlist player from iOS Appstore, select login with code, input code then username & password per usual.

Issue with purple, last I've checked, was even with paid version has lots of ads that come through
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