Question Nvidia Shield

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Jun 6, 2022
Good morning, I hope everyone is doing well. I'm having some trouble with my Nvidia Shield - I'm trying to install XCIPTV, which I downloaded from here, but I'm getting the "problem parsing the package" error. I know it works on other devices, so I'm not sure what the issue is. Is there a better app I could be using on the Shield, or is there a way I can fix this?


I will be your guide.
Jul 20, 2022
Could be a bunch of things. Judging by just the question, if you pulled it from here, it most likely needs some editing. Or its a version incompatible with Android 12. Try the same app on a fire stick. If it installs, you have your answer.


Jun 6, 2022
Could be a bunch of things. Judging by just the question, if you pulled it from here, it most likely needs some editing. Or its a version incompatible with Android 12. Try the same app on a fire stick. If it installs, you have your answer.
Thank your for your reply. It works on the fire stick.. Is there a way to edit it (xciptv) so it can work with android 12 and yes i did download from here
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